I’m sorry it’s been so long since my last update, but I’ve been pretty busy lately with so many things.
- First, I finished the draft of my second book, and I’m now working on the first round of self-edits.
- Next, I’ve had so much to prepare for the release of “The Waxing Moon” (more on that later).
- Finally, I’ve been sick this past week, which thwarted my progress somewhat.
Since I don’t want to share too much about my WIP, let’s talk about my preparations for the release of my debut novel.
I’ve created some new promo images for The Waxing Moon. I will share most of them during the release party. Until then, here is a little taste:

There will be a big Facebook release party on November 7th (or November 8th, depending on your time zone). Many amazing authors have already signed up to celebrate with me and do takeovers. Once I’ve got the full list of participants, I’ll make a big announcement with the when, where, and who.
Afterwards, my book will go on a one day blitz blog tour with bewitching book tours. I’ve already seen the list of blogs and topics, and it’ll be so much fun! There will be reviews, interviews, giveaways, and guest posts with Haiku, recipes, Halloween crafts, my top 10 vampires, and so much more!

I hope you’re already as excited as I am. After all, The Waxing Moon will be released in less than 3 weeks!