When I started writing my novel at the beginning of 2020, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever turn it into a complete book. I’ve had this story in my head ever since I was a teenager, and the COVID-19 lockdown gave me the motivation I needed to finally write it down.

Half a year later, I thought I had finished the book and queried a few publishers. I quickly learned that there is much more to writing, though. After getting the first rejections, I dived into the world of self-editing. It took me several rounds of rewriting every scene until I had turned my story into something good.

Then, the querying started again. Since I got some pretty helpful feedback from an editor at The Wild Rose Press, they were the first publisher I sent my rewritten manuscript to.

And just before Christmas 2021, I received a contract for “The Waxing Moon”.

I know that the journey of my book is not over yet—it will still take a few months until it’s ready for publication. But I’m already so much closer to fulfilling my dream. I can’t wait to share “The Waxing Moon” with all of you!

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