Blurb for The Waxing Moon

Today, I’d like to share the official blurb for my upcoming release with you! 😀 So, without further ado, here it is: Lilah Neumann has longed for something beyond the mundane for as long as she can remember.  A chance meeting with a mysterious and sexy vampire turns her dreams into a reality filled with…

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April 21, 2022 | by

Format galley for The Waxing Moon

Today I finished reviewing the first format galley for The Waxing Moon. After two rounds of editing with my editor and countless rounds of self-editing before that, I didn’t expect to find many things to improve, but I got six pages full of minor changes nonetheless. Going through the format galley made the entire project…

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April 17, 2022 | by

Editing and a free short story

Last week, I finally got the first round of edits for “The Waxing Moon” from my editor. I’ve been working on that every night since then, and I’m still only halfway through. Apart from editing my novel, I spent the last few weeks working on a short story about Laurant, a side character from “The…

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February 23, 2022 | by

My writing journey so far….

When I started writing my novel at the beginning of 2020, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever turn it into a complete book. I’ve had this story in my head ever since I was a teenager, and the COVID-19 lockdown gave me the motivation I needed to finally write it down. Half a year later,…

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January 29, 2022 | by